for sale! gucci inspired heels!

Tuesday, July 28, 2009 | |

brand new never worn,
accidently bought wrong size.
sob.. sobb..
5 inches tall. 2 inch raise platform at the front.
size 39uk, 7.5/8 us (guess/aldo), 25cm from heel to toe.

i'm reselling it for rm90.

interested, email me at

fringe is selling it for rm169. huhuhu.

untitled #3

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160, bangsar.

do you?

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im a bit upset.
and confused.
okay. i lied.
i'm very upset
and very confused.
i don't want to talk to you.
till thursday.
i need time to think.

adidas SLVR A/W 2009

Monday, July 27, 2009 | |

adidas SLVR A/W 2009 from adidas Fashion Group on Vimeo.

i'm totally loving the new adidas SLVR video.
too bad we can't get their stuff here.

happy. you happy?

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got this from somewhere i can't remember where. lol

george carlin quotes

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"There are 400,000 words in the English language, and there are seven you can't say on television. What a ratio that is! 399,993 . . . to seven. They must really be baaaad. They must be OUTRAGEOUS to be separated from a group that large. 'All of you words over here, you seven . . . baaaad words.' That's what they told us, right? 'That's a bad word!' Awwww. No bad words. Bad thoughts. Bad intentions, and wooooords. You know the seven, don't ya? That you can't say on TV? Shit, piss, fuck, cunt, cocksucker, motherfucker and tits. Huh? Those are the heavy seven. Those are the words that'll infect your soul, curve your spine, and keep the country from winning the war. Shit, piss, fuck, cunt, cocksucker, motherfucker and tits, wow! And tits doesn't even belong on the list! It seems like such a friendly word. Sounds like a nickname. 'Hey Tits, come here man! Tits! Meet my friend Toots. Toots, Tits. Tits, Toots.' Sounds like a snack . . . oh yeah, it is. Right. But I don't mean your sexist snack, I mean new Nabisco Tits. Corn Tits n' Sesame Tits n' Cheese Tits . . . Tater Tits. Bet you can't eat just one!"

"We're so self-important. So arrogant. Everybody's going to save something now. Save the trees, save the bees, save the whales, save the snails. And the supreme arrogance? Save the planet! Are these people kidding? Save the planet? We don't even know how to take care of ourselves; we haven't learned how to care for one another. We're gonna save the fuckin' planet? . . . And, by the way, there's nothing wrong with the planet in the first place. The planet is fine. The people are fucked! Compared with the people, the planet is doin' great. It's been here over four billion years . . . The planet isn't goin' anywhere, folks. We are! We're goin' away. Pack your shit, we're goin' away. And we won't leave much of a trace. Thank God for that. Nothing left. Maybe a little Styrofoam. The planet will be here, and we'll be gone. Another failed mutation; another closed-end biological mistake."

don't we just love George Carlin.
the things he said were so true yet so funny.
taken from here.

the man who didn't believe in love

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There was once a man who didn’t believe in love. This was an ordinary man just like you and me, but what made this man special was his way of thinking: He thought love doesn’t exist. Of course, he had a lot of experience trying to find love, and he observed the people around him. Much of his life had been spent searching for love, only to find that love didn’t exist.

Wherever this man went, he would tell people of his thoughts and opinions on love. This man was highly intelligent, and he was very convincing. What he said was the love is just like a drug; it makes you very high, but it creates a strong need. You can become highly addicted to love, but what happens when you don’t receive your daily doses of love? Just like a drug, you need your everyday doses.

He used to say that most relationships between lovers are just like a relationship between a drug addict and the one who provides the drugs. The one who has the biggest need is like the drug addict; the one who has a little need is like the provider. The one who has the little need is the one who controls the whole relationship. You can see this dynamic so clearly because usually in every relationship there is one who loves the most and the other who doesn’t love as much. You can see the way they manipulate each other, their actions and reactions, and they are just like the provider and the drug addict.

The drug addict, the one who has the biggest need, lives in constant fear that perhaps he will not be able to get the next dosage of love, or the drug. The drug addict thinks, “What am I going to do if she leaves me?” That fear makes the drug addict very possessive. “That’s mine!” The addict becomes jealous and demanding, because the fear of not having the next dosage. The provider can control and manipulate the one who needs the drug by giving more doses, fewer doses, or no doses at all. The one who has the biggest need completely surrenders and will whatever he can to avoid being abandoned.

The man went on explain to everyone why love doesn’t exist, and how what humans call ‘love’ is nothing but a fear relationship based on control. So many promises are made to each other: to live together forever, to love and respect each other, through the good times and the bad times but after marriage, you can see that none of these promises are kept.

What you find is a war of control to see who will manipulate whom. Who will be the provider? And who will have the addiction. You find that a few months later, the respect that they swear to have for each other is gone. You can see the resentment, the emotional poison, how they hurt each other, little by little, and it grows and grows, until they don’t know when the love stops. They stay together because they are afraid to be alone, afraid of the opinions and judgments of others, and also afraid of their judgments and opinions. But where is the love?

The man went on and on about all the reasons why he believed love doesn’t exist.

The one day this man was walking in a park, and there on a bench was a beautiful lady who was crying. When he saw her crying, felt curiosity. Sitting beside her, he asked if he could help her. He asked why she was crying. You can imagine his surprise when she told him she was crying because love doesn’t exist. “This is amazing—a woman who believes that love doesn’t exist!” Of course he wanted to know more about her.

He asked her why she felt that love doesn’t exist and she told him about her marriage and how she and her husband had both lost respect for each other. She told him about how they hurt each other, and at a certain point she discovered that she didn’t love him and that he didn’t love her either. ‘But the children need a father, and that was my excuse to stay and to do whatever I could to support him. Now the children are grown up and they have left. I no longer have any excuse to stay with him….There is no sense to look around for something that doesn’t exist. That is why I am crying.’

Understand her very well, he embraced her and said, you are right; love doesn’t exist. We look for love, we open our heart and we become vulnerable, just to find selfishness. That hurts us even if we don’t think we will be hurt. It doesn’t matter how many relationships we have; the same thing happens again and again. Why even search for love any longer?”

They were so much alike, and they became the best friends ever. It was a wonderful relationship. They respected each other, and they never put each other down. With every step they took together, they were happy. There was no envy or jealousy, there was no control, and there was no possessiveness. The relationship kept growing and growing. They loved to be together, because when they were together, they had a lot of fun. When they were not together, they missed each other.

One day when the man was out of town, he had the weirdest idea. He was thinking, ‘Hmm, maybe what I feel for her is love. But this is so different from what I have ever felt before. It’s not what the poets say it is, it’s not what religion says it is, because I am not responsible for her. I don’t take anything from her; I don’t have the need for her to take care of me; I don’t need to blame her for my difficulties or to take my dramas to her. We have the best time together; we enjoy each other. I respect the way she thinks, the way she feels. She doesn’t embarrass me; she doesn’t bother me at all. I don’t feel jealous when she’s with other people; I don’t feel envy when she is successful. Perhaps love does exist, but it’s not what everyone thinks love is.’

He could hardly wait to go back home and talk to her, to let her know about his weird idea. As soon as he started talking, she knew exactly what he was talking about. She felt the same way. They decided to become lovers and to live together, and it was amazing that things didn’t change. They still respected each other, they were still supportive of each other, and the love grew more and more.

The man’s heart was so full with all the love he felt that one night a great miracle happened. He was looking at the stars and he found the most beautiful one, and his love was so big that the star started coming down from the sky and soon that star was in his hands. Then a second miracle happened, and his soul merged with that star. He was intensely happy, and he could hardly wait to go to the woman and put that start in her hands to prove his love for her. As soon as he put the star in her hands, she felt a moment of doubt. This love was overwhelming, and in that moment, the star fell from her hands and broke in a million of little pieces.

Now there is an old man walking around the world swearing that love doesn’t exist. And there is a beautiful old woman at home waiting for a man, shedding a tear for a paradise that once she had in her hands, but for one moment of doubt, she let it go. This is the story about the man who didn’t believe in love.

Who made the mistake? Do you want to guess what went wrong? The mistake was on the man’s part in thinking he could give the woman his happiness. The star was his happiness, and his mistake was to put his happiness in her hands. Happiness never comes from outside of us. He was happy because of the love coming out of him; she was happy because of the love coming out of her. But as soon as he made her responsible for his happiness, she broke the star because she could not be responsible for his happiness.

No matter how much the woman loved him, she could never make him happy because she could never know what he had in his mind. She could never know what his expectations were, because she could not know his dreams.

If you take your happiness, and put it in someone’s hands, sooner or later, she is going to break it. If you give your happiness to someone else, she can always take it away. Then if happiness can only come from inside of you and is the result of your love, you are responsible for your own happiness. We can never make anyone responsible for our own happiness, but when we go to the church to get married, the first thing we do is exchange rings. We put our star in each other’s hands, expecting that she is going to make you happy, and you are going to make her happy. It doesn’t matter how much you love someone, you are never going to be what that person wants you to be.

That is the mistake most of us make right from the beginning. We base our happiness on our partner and it doesn’t work that way. We make all those promises that we cannot keep, and we set ourselves up to fail.

written by Don Miguel Ruiz.
Its in his book, the mastery of love.


Friday, July 24, 2009 | |

life's been mundane.
work, work, work and more work.
i've been listening to too much dubstep lately.

some of my favorite

untitled #2

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65daysofstatic - WK4 (Live in London 04/26/2009)

Tuesday, July 21, 2009 | |

new stuff from 65daysofstatic.
looking forward for their latest album.
so bloody awesome.
still true to their original sound
their synths and drum beats are just so catchy.
usually their live shows would have visuals to go with it.
but for this one, i think the lights do enough justice.

malique - rahsia

Monday, July 20, 2009 | |

Cerita terjadi
Cerita terjadi


Korang nak dengar rahsia tak korang?
Kalau cerita korang jangan cerita orang
Janji dulu
Korang tak kan pecah lobang
Jangan pasal korang ku sakit sorang

Pada satu masa tak lama dulu
Orang mula berhijrah ke hutan batu
Ada lelaki dan ada wanita
Ada yang cari nama ada yang cari harta

Verse 1
Ada minah ni namanya rahsia
Binti apa entah tak pernah bertanya
Keluarga entah kenalnya di kota
Kata dari sini tipu dengan lorat desa

Duduk rumah sewa 6 jahanam jadi kawan
3 tak kerja 3 lagi shif malam
Gaduh dengan 2 hal dato kumis nipis
Dia kenal dulu mereka yang dapat kikis
Takpe orang kaya banyak
Cuba skali 3 4 hidup mesti tamak

Nampak anak Tansri umur jauh muda
Janji kereta 500 kuasa kuda
Erm dengar ada botol sauh
Ada burung putih besar boleh terbang jauh
Cincin gelang rantai ada loket
Betina mana tengok tak terjoget

Rumah atas bukit kamar bercahaya
Kamera disorok boleh ambil gambar rahsia
Tunjuk kengkawan semua puji ketawa
Baru tau orang kaya tak boleh percaya

Ha ha ha
Ha ha ha
Baru tau orang kaya tak boleh percaya
Cerita terjadi
Cerita terjadi

Intro (repeat)

Verse 2
Ada 1 hero melayu namanya juga rahsia
Dulu lepak tepi parit kampung
Sekarang lepak media masa
Asal boleh masuk tv dia mesti buat
Awek tengok jambu lelaki tengok meluat
Ceritarasa makin besar otak makin ketat
Baru angkat berat sikit baju pun dah sendat

Jalan nak berkepak dengan awek romantis
Biasalah budak baru nak naik jadi artis
Biasalah budak baru nak naik jadi artis
Biasalah budak baru nak naik jadi artis

Jakun jadi pelakon ke makan malam
Dinner show nyanyi orang tak paham
Tapi datin muda tengok geram sangkut
Dato outstation datin apa lagi angkut

Terima kasih power root
Rahsia diterima
Kalau sudi lagi boleh main gila

Datin kena taruk rahsia kemaruk
Makan boleh tapi jangan sampai kena lauk
Dato pegi London muka pucat bila balik
Bini buncit sikit tau dia tak boleh naik

Nak jadi terkenal harus pandai main api
Rahsia tinggal rahsia tak kan masuk tv lagi
Rahsia tak kan masuk tv lagi
Rahsia tinggal rahsia tak kan masuk tv lagi

**one of malique song taken from his OK album.
he makes good lyrics with flow and rhythm.
some say he's snobbish.
i think he's just a low profiled person.
he's awesome nonetheless.

Butterfingers- Mati Hidup Kembali

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Jalan raya terlampau sunyi
Untuk ku terus bermimpi
Mataku belum mengantuk lagi
Bawa ke mana sahaja kupergi

Tunjukkan ku bulan gerhana
Tiada siapa nak kujumpa
Pendirian tiada kusangka ada
Oh tak mengapa oh tak mengapa

Malam semalam gundah gulana
Hari ini hari mulia
Tak pernah daku rasa begini
Seperti mati hidup kembali

Bawa kuhilang dari ingatan
Hari ini sehingga esok
Tak pernah daku rasa begini
Seperti mati hidup kembali

Agar sepenuh dengan pendirian
Kucapai sebelah tangan
Sebalik awan ada cahaya
Bercahayalah selamanya

Daku tertawa seorang diri
Darah yang mengalir terhenti
Fikiranku melayang-layang
Tiada siapa yang perasan

Malam semalam gundah gulana
Hari ini hari mulia
Tak pernah daku rasa begini
Seperti mati hidup kembali

Bawa kuhilang dari ingatan
Hari ini sehingga esok
Tak pernah daku rasa begini
Seperti mati hidup kembali

*i don't really like the video.
but i'm totaly in love with the song.
anna said it sounded like an old song by P. Ramlee.
does it?*

The Rebel Scum feat. Saph, NBE, and Spit - Bakdatang

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Video Details
Directed by:

Shot by:
Jason, Teo, Liana

Edited by:
Perez Oldskool

one of malaysia's best hip hop crew.
hope to hear new stuff from them soon.
kelakar seh.
i love how they diss people in this song.

something similar to aki hoshino

Thursday, July 16, 2009 | |

the girl on the left is cheryl she's one of the contestant.
i think she looks a lot like the kiks tyo model, aki hoshino (on the left).
don't you think so?

some random pictures

it was another day at work.
yes, i am a freelance make up artist as well.
as a teaser i'll show you a picture of my back.
although this is kind of pointless.

randomly, my birthday is coming up soon.

finally maria is more direct about what she wants.
i seriously can't stand people who keeps me guessing.
thank god she doesn't read blogs.
babe, if it's bothering you let me know okay.
i'm not psychic.
it's all set.
we're going to vietnam for my birthday.
no backing out this time!

what about seaweed?

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ealier this evening,
i was at M.O.C eating prawn tom yam with tam and anna.

what a conversation...

tam: hey you're eating prawns with the back uncleaned. isn't that black thing their shit?
me: it's okay.. i'm too hungry..
anna: it's okay to eat prawn with the back uncleaned. afterall even if you eat their shit, they only eat stuff like seaweed... pfft..
tam: owh.. like that ah? well if i eat seaweed, would you eat my shit then?
anna: -.-!

*hahahhahaha. tam is a bodohman.. nice one.. haha
i think tam does have a point.. erm..sometimes...haha*

LIVESTRONG x Futura x Nike Dunk Hi

Wednesday, July 15, 2009 | |

The LIVESTRONG x Futura x Nike Dunk Hi releases on Saturday, July 18th, 2009 with a retail price of $150. 100% of the proceeds go towards the Lance Armstrong Foundation for Cancer research.

if you noticed, there's a malaysian ringgit printed on the shoe. check out the twin towers and the kancil. lol.

untitled #1

Monday, July 13, 2009 | |

i've been out almost every single night and sleeping at 5 am in the morning the past few weeks.
i have eye bags now

i have a problem.
i don't and would never date a guy who has a girlfriend.
not my thing.
if i do,
he lied about his relationship status when he met me.
thus no worries.
he will be terminated as soon as possible from the 'people i know' list.

and also,
if you want something,
just say it.
if something is bothering you,
just say it.
don't make me guess or figure out what it is.
what a waste of my fucking time.

i've turned into a bitter person.

another random conversation with tam the unintended

Saturday, July 11, 2009 | |

i was wearing clear contact lens on wednesday.
and i asked tam,

me: hey what do you think of my eye colour?
tam: eh it's black. i didn't notice it.
me: yeah. it's okay. do you think i look better in grey contacts or my normal eye colour?
tam: variety spice up your life

me: erm...


variety spice up your life konon..pfftt..

sleep or sleep sleep

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ive had too much to drink.
i havent been updating my blog lately.
i know that.
i would like to sleep.
but i can't.

i feel like writing about myself tonight.

i am currently working as a full time designer.
i work for myself.
during my free time,
i like to go to the beach and make paper planes.
i like girls to be frank
i have short hair and i'm 5'9 in height.
i normally wear sneakers and sandals.
i seldom wear dresses.
i collect rings
i am currently listening to the presets, cut copy, mgmt and RJD2.
i like the colour grey
i love to eat squid
my favorite animal is a fox.
none of my friends know i have a blog.
none of my friends have one.
they do have twitter tho.
so do i.
from the satistic count, it's amazing to know that i get at least 1 visitor per day.
who the fuck reads my blog anyway....
this is so sad.

wow that's a lot of shitty info about me.

Lanvin Grey Canvas and Satin High Top Sneakers

Tuesday, July 7, 2009 | |

Fall / winter collection 2009-2010 by Lucas Ossendrijver et Alber Elbaz

Monochrome silhouette for Lanvin this season (grey, blue, camel)
Lucas Ossendrijver Defined his collection as " a mixture of couture and jogging! "
A collection at first sight classic but which worn reveals all its modernity.
The sneakers feature a sleek, high top base combining the use of grey canvas with tonal satin details. Available now via colette.

when there's something bad in your neighbourhood..who you gonna call?

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something interesting been happening in my house lately.
there's something paranormal residing here for the past 7-8 months.
he he he
it's a lost soul. it doesn't harm but my mum is trying to get rid of it.
my sister is being paranoid about the whole situation and thinks that "it" likes my cat.
because my cat has been acting so weird lately.
ha ha ha
i on the other hand, don't know what to think.
i dont really care.
its all in your mind.

...and the ever expanding universe

Monday, July 6, 2009 | |

the most serene republic is back with their new album, ...and the ever expanding universe. available July 14, 2009.. it's definitely worth the listen.

these videos are done by fan boy, Jerome Holeyman.

david davison / maps and atlases

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a song by dave davison.
not a traditional way of playing the guitar but is absolutely inspirational.
he also plays for the band maps and atlases. a math rock band from Chicago, Illinois.
with much influence from don caballero and hella they try to produce a sound that is both technical and organic.

i know you don't intent to.

Saturday, July 4, 2009 | |

tam is the most unintentionally funniest person ever!
for example,
in the car 2 days ago

me: have you heard of the song the climb by miley cyrus?

tam: who's miley cyrus?

*background music playing taylor swift - you belong to me*

tam: is this miley cyrus? *refering to the background music*

me: no! that's taylor swift. miley cyrus is hannah montana. tylor swift is the girl that sings ever after the song that the boys like to sing to piss everyone else out.

tam: huh? owh. the one that goes i like girls, i make out with my girlfriend yeah?

me: huh?!?

tam: ya lah! she sings i like girls.. then something.. then i make out with my girl friend.

me: NOO!!! that's katy perry! i kissed a girl!

mana dia ada nyanyi macam tu! she didnt say make out or i like girls...


tam: owh.. sama je..

*sigh* *sigh*

me: takpelah...


yeah.. that's why tam is always unintentionally funny.

(side note- tam should really listen to more commercial music. haha.)

do not drag a goat

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watched drag me to hell with tam today.
the movie was alright.
i guess i expected more from it.
having a goat as a demon isn't THAT scary really... like..
BAH~~!!! i am a demon!! garrr~~~
i am a goat~~~ garr~~
i eat grass~~ bahhh~~
so now i'm dragging you to hell~~~ bahhh~~~
but i need to taunt you first and make you scared by throwing you around... bahhh~~~ i am a fucking scary goat!! tau!! tau!!~~ bahhh~~~





plus i dont see the relation between the old lady and the goat (appearance wise).
was the goat haunting the girl by appearing as the old lady or what??
dah lah the old lady's blind eye looked like my grey contact lens.
i can't figure out if she was suffering from cataracts or what..?
cause her blind eye looks grey but there are brown and green rings..
it looked too pretty to be blind..
hmmm... tak cukup budget kot.. or maybe they thought it looked scarrier..



no wonder they said it's a funny movie. memang kelakar pun.. although i felt that the thai horror movie COMING SOON was scarier and funnier. anyway, it was a good try.

sigh, kambing?!?!?! kambing?!?!?!

passion pit - the reeling

Friday, July 3, 2009 | |

how could you not fall in love with them.
i love how the video is done.
the collage look and paper strips and the 80's feel to it.
i should learn how to make videos like this! huhu.
passion pit reminds me of MGMT and a bit of m83.
worth checking out if you feel like dancing on a friday morning.


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i'm trying to draw a picture a day and post them up here.
i need to sharpen my drawing skills.
it's so rusty lately i think i'm suffering from tetanus already.



Pistol Shrimp, Alpheidae Family

Thursday, July 2, 2009 | |

i found this absolutely funny. i wonder if i'll bleed or die if i ever get shot by a pistol shrimp.

for them feet

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i watched transformers yesterday with tam.
after getting the tickets, we had half and hour to spare so we went to charles and keith and i bought these

the movie was alright and the animation was really good. except for the fact that i had a hard time differentiating between the decepticons.. they all looked the same.. -.-
anyway, go watch it if you hadn't but be prepared to feel slightly disappointed.

erik yahnker

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erik yahnker is one of my favorite artist. his artworks are anomalously strange yet funny.

the big pink- velvet

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The Big Pink - Velvet from rob hawkins on Vimeo.

the big pink is an awesome mash of different style of music. beautifully shot and art directed as well.

Dir- Rob Hawkins
Editor-Felix boot
Dop- Anthony Dalton
Art Dir. -Poppy Bartlett
Telecine- Aubrey at the Mill

untitled 1

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photo:By RKZ /

i am the nothing
this is my first time blogging.

i guess it is a way for me to talk about everyday life.
i find it comforting to write.
not that i am a writer.
however, i am not keen on revealing my identity.
let's keep that between me and god.
have a nice day everyone!