another random conversation with tam the unintended 3

Saturday, September 26, 2009 | |

we were hanging out infront of the tv. and the beatles guitar hero video was up on mtv.

me: i want to play guitar hero :(

tam: ok nanti i suruh atuk i belikan. tapi atuk i sure marah.

me: kenapa?

tam: sebab dia kata dah ada guitar betul mahalmahal buat apa nak beli guitar lagi!

me: -.-

a random conversation with shar the unintended

Saturday, September 12, 2009 | |

went for buka puasa with my girlfriends today at the roof.
my bestie shar is currently taking up french lesson.
and she's having an exam soon.
so i made her translate a few sentences.

me: translate kan "please stop wearing my underwear"

shar: ala.. that's too difficult. something easier la!

anna: haha. what is vou le vu?

shar: i know vou is you. vou le i tak sure.

me: hmm.. okok.. translate kan, saya seorang perempuan yang ada konek

shar: oii! jangan kasi ayat bodoh la!!! my vocab tak bagus lagi

me: sigh.. okay..

me: translate kan.. saya suka makan ikan

shar: j'aime manger...erm... ala.. i don't remember what's fish in french..

shar: anjing aku tahu la!

shar: j'aime manger des chiens (aku suka makan anjing)

me: -.-


random pictures 3

Saturday, August 22, 2009 | |

i love skulls

apa apa je lah

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its been awhile since i updated.
since it's ramadhan, i kinda told myself not to wear anything sexy unless i have

so what's good?
work has been shitload.
my latest project requires me to do a lot of research and videos.
i've been digging a lot of cyndi lauper kinda music.
i like to buy random things like
neon vampire fangs for kids,
toy soldiers,
cut out paper mats,

i think beauty alone doesnt get you anywhere.
you need brains and talent to go with it.
personality is important. very important.
how you carry yourself and confidence.

random pictures 2

Sunday, August 16, 2009 | |

another random conversation with tam the unintended 2

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sorry no pictures this weekend.

didn't feel like bringing my camera around.
anyway, after work i hung out with anna and tam
and as usual tam would have something smart to say.. unitentionally..

anna referring to some crabs at a seafood stall somewhere in ss2

anna: eeeee...kesian ketam tu kan. kat dalam aquarium banyak banyak :( :(

tam: kenapa? you nak selamatkan diorang ke?

anna: -.-

random pictures 1

Tuesday, August 11, 2009 | |

i don't know who did this.
but it's awesome.
reminds me of a hindu myth character and vampire bats.

horneh woman

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got this from tam

what is the matter?

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i couldn't stop laughing at this.

GI johh

Monday, August 10, 2009 | |

went to watch GI JOE: rise of the cobra with a few friends yesterday.
what a movie....
it's like soooo bad.
so bad..
cheezy lines and acting. omg..
nothing like the original.
too many unnecessary scenes.

the perfect movie to watch if youre on a date with someone who you met online and they didn't turn out the way you imagined them to be because they are either ugly, too fat, too skinny, shallow, bimbo, 3line obsessed, trying to get you into M.L.M., old, pregnant, had a sex operation or a vampire.
you can pretend that this is the best movie ever.
and say the lines were brilliant!
i can guarantee you there won't be a second date!
good luck!

i need to finish watching oldboy.
been a month sinced i postponed it.